Glory of Christ Lutheran Church can be described with four words:

  • Our teachings and practices as a congregation are based upon the Word of God. Additionally we study the Bible both in the sermons and in the Bible classes held throughout the week. You can access the Sunday sermons and Bible Classes through this site.

  • The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, of which Glory of Christ is a member, is a Confessional Church body. We adhere to the Confessions of the Church found in the book of Concord of 1580. Those Creeds and Confessions which most find familiar are the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, Luther’s Small Catechism and The Augsburg Confession. We teach in accordance with these ancient and Biblical writings.

  • The Heart and soul of our walk as Christians is in receiving the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life which Jesus earned for all people on the cross. Further, these gifts are given to us through the teaching of the Good News of Christ as well as through Holy Baptism, The Absolution and Holy Communion. During the Sunday Services these gifts are freely given to us. We believe that the best and most appropriate manner in which to bestow these gifts is through the historic liturgy of the church. 

  • Glory of Christ supports and involves itself in many mission endeavors. All of these efforts spread the message of Christ either through the training of pastors or the establishment or support of Christian congregations. Glory of Christ is dedicated to expanding the kingdom of God.